May 2021 Cards Update

Monday 3 May, 2021

Hello to all members. We have had lots of activities within our section, over the last month.

Thursday night Euchre nights are going well upstairs and enjoyed by our members. Most nights we have approximately 36-42 players, playing progressive Euchre. Progressive Euchre is where the winners move to the right and other players stay at that table. It is always a great atmosphere for all those who join us to play.

We have our AGM on Thursday 29 April and will finish it off with a few games amongst each other and a light supper.

On behalf of our committee we wish to thank John Churchill who is stepping down as a committee member. He has been on the committee for the last four years and is a great worker and valued member of our team. We appreciate the time he has given to our section and we know he will continue to do so. Thanks John.

We start our 14 weeks of Interclub Euchre/Crib games on Saturday 1 May against all Christchurch Clubs, so from now on, every Saturday, for 26 players its full on each week. Everyone loves this competition. Details of this Tournament were in my report last month.

We have our first round of aggregate games starting on Thursday 3 June, through to 8 July. It will run over six weeks, with players scores added and collated over their best five weeks of scores. It always creates a lot of interest to strive to get good scores each night.

To finish off, we welcome all new members to our section. We start every Thursday at 7pm upstairs and play 12 games progressive euchre. We finish at approximately 9.30pm. Come along and join us.

Till next month
Lorraine Cole