May 2024 – Cards Update
Wednesday 1 May, 2024
Hello to all members, and family members, that love to read our newsletters as well.
As usual, our Cards/Euchre Section is full on. We hold our Euchre Card Night every Thursday down in the Glassworks Room through Chalmers Restaurant on the left, from the Club Office.
Going back to end of last month’s events, on Thursday 28 March, we held our Ladies vs Men night for “The Eric Pycroft Tournament”. Eric was a past long serving member of our Card section, many years ago…
On the night, we had 21 men and 27 ladies playing. It was a great night with 12 full tables. Every one enjoyed the supper at half time, with sandwiches, savouries, chicken pieces. , fish bites, brandy snaps and lamingtons, so awesome.
The individual winner was one of our special ladies, Betty Van Der Werf on 21 pts, (you boosted our scores Betty) and close second equal Greg Timms and Julie Archie on 17 pts. We then did calculation on percentage playing on number of men and ladies with all scores. Top percentage average was awarded to ladies of 328 pts, 12.07% and men 249pts, 11.85%.
So, us ladies won the Eric Pycroft trophy. On April 4, we had our usual progressive card night with a great night of 49 players. On April 11, we held an accumulative score night. Another fun night with 54 players. It took a couple of games to understand the concept and to get everyone to record their every game, progressive score as you go. But the more points you won with each progressive partner, the better. Most people liked this different concept, as a change to normal nights.
And the winners on the night were Gina Howden-Winter on 88 pts, Allan Shears on 85 pts, Marcia Whaanga and Bernie McKenzie both on 81 pts.
On April 18, it was our Annual General Meeting night. We had 50 members attend on the night and it was great to have our life members attending, Kevin Cole, Terry McCallum, Diane Heath, and Anne Hepburn.
Cheryl Gianelly gave her Chairpersons Report congratulating winners of tournaments during the year, and a special thanks to our card section committee members who set up and organise every Thursday night. Thank you to Tracey Green, from the Club, for her suppers and afternoon teas. Thank you also to Club management and staff that do our banking every Thursday night and office requirements.
Chairperson: Cheryl Gianelly, in her fifth year.
Vice Chairperson: Helen James, also in her fifth year
Treasurer: Bernie McKenzie, in her third year.
Secretary: Jackie Cartwright, in her second year.
We have existing Committee standing again, Lorraine Cole, Gwen Kirk, Bev Smith, Allan Shears, and we are happy to have two new members join our committee, Margaret Delaney and Mary Hase.
It was a special night, firstly Anne Hepburn has stood down as a committee member after being a committee member for the last 24 years, Amazingly, 22 years were as our treasurer. Anne was granted her Life Membership at our AGM in 2022. She was presented a bunch of flowers as thanks. There was another presentation on the night with me being the recipient. The members granted me Life Membership, for the Cards Section, based off my previous service for the Card Section.
• From 1987-89, 1994-97, I was Secretary- Treasurer of the cards section.
• I was a Cards Section Committee Member 2006-2024.
• From 2006-2015, I was All Sports rep at every AllSports monthly meeting, on behalf of the Cards Section.
• From 2007, for the past 17 years, I have been compiling the card section magazine report each month.
• From 2019, I have been organising our Saturday Interclub Euchre/Crib Team, alongside Helen James, this includes all bus requirements.
• I have given 25 years’ service to our Card section but can’t believe where all those years went. I have met so many lovely people over the years.
I was presented with a lovely bunch of flowers. Thank You. Our membership subs have been retained at $10, payable by 31 May, they will then increase to $15. Subs are to be paid with completed details and membership slips. We finished off the night with various groups playing casual cards, and then an awesome supper.
On April 25, ANZAC DAY, we had our end of month pairs. I can update details in next month’s magazine. We start our Interclub Cribbage and Euchre Tournament on weekly Saturday basis, run over 15 weeks, from Saturday 27 April.
Hornby Club has been part of this tournament, playing in the winter months, since joining back in 1988. The original “Shield Trophy”, that we play for, is well over 120 years old. The original tournament started back in 1902, between four clubs, but as Christchurch Clubs have closed the format has changed. We now play each club in three rounds, either home or away. Our team consists of 26 players, which Helen James and I organise each week. We need to have nine pairs Euchre and four pair Crib. It can sometimes be challenging to get a full team, especially last-minute availability through sickness, but we do have other loyal members, that will play when asked. We have a rule, our away games policy, is our entire team always travel by coach/bus, leaving Hornby Club. But we do invite any Hornby card Section members, that would like to come for a ride to the away club, to join us. This year’s Saturday cost is $7, regardless, home, or away. If anyone else wishes to play, possibly on a fill in basis, please let Helen or I know.
We have all information re Saturday Cards and Euchre/Cards on our Card Section Notice Board under the stairwell on the right going into the Legends Bar.
Until next month
Lorraine Cole