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Darts Update – November 2023

Thursday 2 Nov, 2023

The final results from the winter interclub are outlined below…

In the 1st grade, our A team were fourth and the B team were tenth.

Next grade is 1R and our D team were the champions with our E team third. Our F team was eighth and our C team was ninth.

In the 2nd grade, our new team were fifth and our G team was seventh. Our H team was tenth.

A mostly good season. The new team were all new players for double starts. The Canterbury mixed pairs were held recently, and the winners were Jordan Whyte and Sarah Pitama for the third year running. A fantastic effort!

Another awesome effort was the section winning the Dick Bain all sports night.

Summer interclub starts in a few weeks and Hornby has five teams entered. Lastly, we are running the Hornby 3s again after many years of not, so keep January 21 free and sharpen your darts.

Yours at Tops,