November 2024 – Travel Update
Friday 1 Nov, 2024
Hello members. The travel section had 51 members visit Erewhon Station and Mt Potts Lodge on 6 October. We left the Hornby Club at 8am.
Although this was a long day of travel, everybody had a most enjoyable day out.
If anyone has thought about this trip for themselves but hasn’t managed to make it yet, my advice is “Just do it, you won’t regret it.”
It is so worth the effort of getting there. The Clydesdales with us all aboard on the wagon was just fantastic. Followed by a very informative talk from Erin who is the owner’s wife. She gave a tremendous talk about the history and present times of the station. Erin stated most of their income comes from the merino wool, but also explained they have many tourists come out and visit them, especially when the cruise ships come into Lyttleton. They love the Clydesdales.
On completion of our trip to Erewhon, we then went to Mt Potts lodge for a fantastic lunch. Jen and her staff did a superb job of cooking us a lovely roast lunch with beautiful vegetables and a scrummy dessert. We managed to be back at Hornby Club by 6pm. We have also had a trip on 20 October but will detail that one in the next newsletter. There is a notice on the travel section notice board advising of a visit to the travel section at New Brighton Club where all other travel sections have also been invited.
This is a great opportunity to chat about what other travel sections have been doing. The cost for this outing is just $10 and hopefully we will get enough members attend enabling our section to supply transport there and return. We will leave at 12.30pm and then depart New19 Brighton at 5pm. The date is Sunday 24 September, but final numbers are required by 10 November. There will be a light afternoon tea served, music and some games which are not compulsory.
Our Christmas party will be held 7 December. It will be in the Events Hall at the Club. The cost for this is $25, there will be supper and music. There will also be lucky draws. Details regarding when tickets will be available will be made shortly and you will be advised when finalised.
Kind regards
Lyn Wright