June 2022 Outdoor Bowls Update
Thursday 2 Jun, 2022
April’s match was cancelled due to the weather but also set down to play on Easter Weekend. My apologies for this and next season we will schedule away from Easter and any long weekends.
May’s match was played at the Racecourse Bowling Club and with Covid affecting numbers, 24 members enjoyed a fine day and a couple of games of bowls. Winners of the day, with two wins, was the team skipped. by James Aldridge with Steve Lambert and Robin Leary from the Les Jarvis skipped team with Susan Low, Ian Smith and John Poole.
Next month’s game is at the Racecourse Bowling Club on 26 June. Report by 10.30am and bring a plate for lunch. Please place your name on the notice board if you wish to play and if the game is cancelled, we can let you know.
Keep 10 July free for our AGM. It will be 10.30 upstairs at the Hornby Club. Stay safe.
Robin Leary