February 2024 – Managers Report
Monday 5 Feb, 2024
Hi Members,
Happy New Year. It is great to be into February of 2024.
What a great December, thank you to you all for coming in and making the Bonanza what it was, your end of year section nights, the E-Bike draw, the Christmas Buffets and New Years Eve concert such fun events.
January has been a quieter month as is traditionally the case, it was nice to see our regulars in the Club and some new faces trying out our Pavilion Café over the month, alongside the kick off of meetings for the corporates. I trust you have enjoyed watching the tennis at the Club and some great cricket recently as well.
It was awesome to hear Methven races went so well and Hornby regained their trophy after eight years, congrats to those involved and good luck retaining it next year.
In February, we will have Jo’s Karaoke on the first Friday of the month and our quiz night returns monthly. The quiz will be on the first Wednesday of each month until May when it returns weekly, May until Labour Day. Our Family Picnic is on Sunday 11 February, a fun family day organized by the Board, enjoy the day of races and activities for all!
Super Rugby kicks off.
On the 23rd our Crusaders with be kicking things off with our opening game in Hamilton against the Chiefs. For the next two Sundays, we have preseason Crusaders games in the UK, the Club will be playing the replay mid-morning on Sunday.
See the events calendar for music events.
Food and Beverages
Keep an eye out for the updates to the Legends and Chalmers menus. In the Pavilion café we have new cabinet items for you to try with your coffee.
Raffles started back on 10 January and have been flying out the door. Nice work with the darts section on Wednesday and Sundays.
Looking forward
- Jo’s Karaoke on Friday 2nd
- Waitangi Day Tuesday 6th – NO Surcharge as always
- Quiz night Wednesday 7th
- Family Picnic Sunday 11th at Yaldhurst School
- Superbowl Monday on the big screen, Monday 12th February from 12.30pm
- New Member tours on the 13th at 6pm this month with Waitangi Day falling on a Tuesday
- Weekly Draws
- Members Draw weekly on a Wednesday
- Chase the Ace on Thursdays
- Crack the Cube on Fridays
• At the time of writing this $800 and $1100 respectively
Van service
The van service is available Tuesday to Sunday weekly. Check with reception for operating hours.
Gaming room
We had two new games in the room in December, machines 9 and 12, and
they have been well received by those in the room. Please note there are new regulations now in place that the Club staff must enforce. This will mean more frequent and deliberate interactions with our team. Please do not be offended, we are doing what we have to and what the government thinks is best for you.
Remember to bet responsibly.
Lastly, a friendly reminder of a couple of Club Rules: The Pool room, Snooker room and Gaming room are all R18 areas. Only Junior section members, accompanied by their guardians are allowed to play on the Pool or Snooker tables. Please stick to these section and legal rules that are in place.
See you in the Club,
Tim Mathews