February 2023 Outdoor Bowls Update
Friday 3 Feb, 2023
Our first game for 2023 was held at Bowls Hornby with a reasonable number of members enjoying a great day. Weather wise, the day had a temperature in the low 20’s and not a lot of wind. Even with the good conditions, only one team, the Les Jarvis / Denis Levers skipped team, won both games, Christine Payne, Dereck Shearer and Bruce Craik made up the rest of the team.
Congratulations to D Levers, L Jarvis, J Aldridge and G Hill who were third in the Second division of the SI Chartered Clubs annual tournament held at Oamaru.
Our next game is also at Bowls Hornby, on 19 February, the game sheet is on our notice board at the Hornby Clube. See you there.
Stay safe.
Robin Leary