February 2021 Outdoor Bowls Update
Wednesday 3 Feb, 2021
The Outdoor Bowls Section celebrated their, belated due to covid, 50th Jubilee on 24 January in the Mezzanine bar of the Club.
Although this clashed with another major Club event, the picnic, we had a very good turnout with a good sprinkling of members from the past 50years. Sadly, our only surviving Life Member, Barbara Milne, was unable to attend due to her health but all other attendees enjoyed a catchup, drink and a very nice afternoon tea.
Our next Section game will be held on 28 February at Bowls Hornby with a 12 noon report time. There is a $5 cover charge and we ask that you bring a plate for afternoon tea. This is a great way to fill in a Sunday afternoon.
See you there.
Robin Leary