August 2022 Euchre / Cards Update
Tuesday 2 Aug, 2022
Hi to all Members.
We certainly are into these chilly and wet days of winter. Great to see those that come to support our normal Thursday nights.
Last month has been a busy month for many of our card section members, with our regular Thursday Night Card’s night and those that also play every Saturday Interclub Game. Our Thursday nights, we have completed our six weeks of Aggregate games. The overall winner was John Churchill on 80 pts and runner up Paul Bulman on 78 Pts and in third Helen James on 75 pts. Congratulations and well done to you all and all those so close behind. We have had a new initiative on our Thursday nights, suggested by Bev Bulmer, to award any player who holds a perfect hand and was able to play it, i.e. 2 Jacks, Ace, King, Queen to receive a cash payment that is jackpotted each week. We are three weeks in and so far we have had Sharon Smith get her awesome perfect hand. Well Done!
We have had our special last Thursday Pairs night for July. The card committee thought we would subsidise $3 drinks and a supper to finish off the night for our members. Hope our card members enjoyed the whole night. We had a good turnout of 10 tables and 40 players. We had a three-way tie for 1st place, all on 19 pts. Anne Hepburn and Bev Bulmer, Bernie McKenzie and Bill Turei, Terry McCallum and Possum Jackson. Well done to you all.We finish our Saturday
Interclub Cards on 13 August,
after completing 15 weeks of competition, 26 players each week. By the time this newsletter is printed, we will be closer to our final days, as to which club wins the Major Interclub Shield Trophy for 2022.
So, what’s happening in the future…
We start another six weeks of aggregate from 11 August to 15 September. This means no pairs night on 25 August. Sunday 28 August, Hornby are hosting a Six Handed Tournament for all clubs. Hornby Club members come and play euchre in semi- fun situation with other Christchurch club members. Teams are made up of three per team. Members, we have a trip away. On 3 September we are having a bus trip to Oxford Club. This has been a regular trip over the last few years for our card section against their Euchre Section. Firstly, we will go to Kaiapoi Club where we are booked in for lunch and then through to Oxford. We will leave Hornby Club at 10am and the cost will be $30.00. This covers bus, lunch and playing cards. We will return back to Hornby approx. 5pm. We have a list up for those wishing to go, and payment required to Bernie, our Treasurer.
Lorraine Cole