April 2021 Outdoor Bowls Update
Wednesday 31 Mar, 2021
Our end of the summer season coach trip went ahead as planned to the Southbridge Bowling Club.
A big thank you to the Club for hosting us, as we missed last year due to Covid 19. A new coach and a half a dozen new members, plus the regulars, went off and had a great day of bowls. Welcomed by some friendly members from Southbridge, we were treated to great hospitality with a good green and excellent facilities. The catering was great and included lunch and morning and afternoon teas, the only thing that could have been better was no rugby in Auckland. The Jenny Bodger skipped team with Les Jarvis, Peter Sutcliffe and Ian Smith made the best of the green winning over all with the Ron Harwood skipped team with Ann Wright, Bruce Craik and Leona Williams being runner-up. Thanks again to the Southbridge Bowling Club and all its helpers.
Winter bowls will begin next month at the Racecourse Bowling Club on Sunday 18 April. Please note the 10.30 am start and bring a plate for lunch.